Who I Really Am






Friday, April 26, 2013

Humans are like body cells

Billions of people live on the planet
Like billions of cells in human body
Or in any other living creature
But in reality only one being is there
This is true for every human being
As it is so also for every cell 

The relationship of human beings
With the higher being they live for
Is the same relationship body cells
Manage with human being itself
As a lower degree of being 

So human beings and body cells
Share absolutely the same function
And have in common the same destiny
Which is to live and die for the whole
Only working to maintain it in life  

Cells do not argue with you
About your choices and decisions
Or life would be a total mess
Same thing with human beings
Unable to interfere with the whole
Or the Higher self in its course  

Thus cells are resistance free
Regarding the body’s behavior
Be it in their advantage or not
They just play their given role
According to whatever comes  

You are not only you as individual
But part of a very large organism
Or a vast body forming humankind
In which you act as a cell in a body
Just as the whole humankind does
For a being of a higher level of life
And the process goes on infinitely

This is to say that we are all one
Despite our apparent differences
Just as all members of the body
Form only one and unique body 

And when one organ is affected
It is the whole body that suffers
And the whole being is involved
No matter the physical source 

So when your brother is in pain
It is your pain also to be shared  
In time of happiness rejoice also
Just as you would do for yourself 
Notions of separation or out there
Are merely concepts of the mind
And pure illusions with no reality
Only one being exists for whom
Everyone and everything is alive 

 Think about it and...
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