Who I Really Am






Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You have specific lessons to learn in this lifetime

Human beings are not the same, and will never be. But, there is something in common about all of us. It is that we are here to grow, evolve and expand; and no one can escape from this objective. When I talk about expension, I do not mean  accumulation of stuff, or money. It's about expension of our consciousness, and awakening to our true being.

If you look closely at yourself, you will understand what I am talking about. You will come to notice aspects of yourself that need to be improved, which you know more than anyone else. If you pay attention to other people also, chances are that you would be able to perceive the the gap in them, related to the qualities they have to cultivate and improve in their life.

Among the qualities imaginable in our true nature, let's list just a few: eternity, patience, stillness, beauty, love, unlimitedness, infinity, perfection, joy, faith, certainty, clarity,  etc. Now, what do you think may be your point of improvement in this lifetime?

For many people, some of the lessons they have to learn may be patience or faith. And, in this regard,  two of the best teachers available to us are the seed and the tree. Go and study them, speak to them, and they will reveal their secrets to you.

All around you, teachers for other aspects of your life are waiting for you to be ready, in order to teach you what it is for you to learn.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized.

Monday, November 28, 2011

There is always something to feel good about in any situation

There is always something to feel good about in every situation, no matter how awful it may be. So, instead of focusing on the negative aspect, put your attention on the positive one instead. For example if you have an old car and no longer feel good about it, you could consider this:

1) You are lucky because at least, you have got a car. Lots of people, like you, don't have any;
2)  You don't use your shoes like many people;
3) Think about the rainy days with all the mud you would walk in everywhere ;
4) What about the music you listen to every day;
5) It still can take you everywhere you like.
6) What about all the services it provides everyday. You should manifest your gratitude!
7) It still looks nice anyway;
8) Remember that it is a living thing that answer to love;
9) Your desire of a new car is life or energy giving and it is what you want;
10) Who you really are is already fullfilled. You can just align yourself with it;

And the list goes on.

Think about it and...
...stay synchronized...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The pleasure behind scarcity

In some african regions, especially in Central Africa, grows a kind of shrub whose red fruits are very much appreciated by birds of various species. However, beside loving those fruits, it seems that birds appreciate something else; the search for the search itself, for the pleasure or the fun it provides.

That is, they don't like an abundance of mature and delicious fruits, ready to be eaten, be exposed to them. What they prefer is spending time themselves searching for the good ones, using their beak, until they find and eat them with appetite. Isn't it curious to realize that instead of abundance, those birds choose scarcity?

Sometimes, certain shrubs make their fruits hatch almost all at once, turning all the branches almost into red. When this occurs, instead of rushing on such a chance and fussing around to gulp down as much fruits as they can to feed themselves till death, they avoid these shrubs and fly away; all of them ,witout exception.

Do you think that birds are the only creatures that behave like that? Not at all; even human beings do the same. Is it that the easy way does no procure as much satisfaction as the hard way? Why does what is obtained easily and without effort seem to loose its value and interest?

You can verify this in some loving relationships. For example, meeting a new person is always very exciting.   But, after a while, this excitement falls down on one side or another, when one of the two partners starts manifesting too much love for the other.

At the beginning, it's very satisfying for the ego. But, in time, it can become very ennoying for certain people who no longer look at their partner as they used to do at the beginning of their relationship. Of course, they may still love them, and consider them as an important part of their life.

However, the excitement of the first days of their relationship has vanished, no matter the number of good qualities one could have. As a result, the partner who has lost his or her excitement starts looking outside, to search  new vibrations in someone else.

Why is that? Why, instead of attracting or retaining, too much love, too much abundance, too much stuff, too much success or too much fame make us feel that way? Could it be that getting "too much" of something generates boredom and reduces our interest in certain things?

However, almost everybody would like  to get all they want in life, but not realizing the danger behind it. If you had everything you want, which is by the way impossible in this three dimentional world, for what reason would you keep living on this planet?

Remember, abundance is not what you really want, and you don't really want the outcome either. What you are really looking for, is the state excitement you achieve before the end result, or the manifestation of your desire.

What you are really looking for in any activity you are engaged in, is the fun or pleasure it provides you, and not the end result which is the death of your enthusiasm and your motivation. An old saying goes like this: "the pleasure is in the journey, and not in the destination; in the hunting, and not in the game".

That means, whatever you do, look first for the pleasure and the fun it can provide you, not the outcome. Release any attachment you could have to the end result, and let it take care of itself. Also, understand that in any entreprise lies a diamond, which is the satisfaction, the pleasure or the fun you can find in it.

Your task is to search and find it!

Think about it...
...and stay synchronized. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Desire is what you need,not manifestation

Like blood for a physical body, or petrol for an engine car, a desire is nothing more than fuel for mind or energy for life. Without petrol in the car, the engine stops running. And without desire in us, our life stops also.

Human being has become confused about the purpose of desire and its manifestation. He believes that the first is less important and secondary, while the later is considered to be most gratifying and fulfilling.

Nevertheless, only the reverse is true. The manifestation of a desire is not more important than the desire itself. Because without a desire in the first place, there would be no visible outcome.

In addition, if manifestation was the main goal, there wouldn’t be so many other desires popping up almost immediately just after some important desire has been realized.

What does that mean?

It appears that we should change the way we put value to our desires and their manifestations. That is, we must first have a good understanding of who we are, of our functioning, and of our real purpose on this planet. Without this understanding, we wouldn’t be able to live fully and purposely the time we have to spend here.

How would you be able to arrive at destination if you don’t know how your vehicle works, what its main components are and how they relate, some with others.

From now, as far as desires are concerned, understand that their main function is to keep running your inner engine. That is, desires are born to make you going ahead in life. That way, when you are sick, your desire is to be healthy. When you are poor, your desire is to be rich. When you fail or feel stuck, your desire is to be successful. When you feel lonely, your desire is to have a loving relationship, etc.

The short feeling of satisfaction or happiness that emanates from you when a desire manifests helps you to apprehend life positively and gives you courage to move forward. That’s its purpose.

From that perspective, you realize the role and the importance of desires in your life, compared to their manifestations. Also, you understand that the more unfulfilled desires you have in your mind, the more energy or fuel you possess to move forward in life towards the line of arrival that the Almighty has planned for you.

Today, instead of being frustrated, anxious, worried, angry or even afraid about your unfulfilled desires, be happy. Make an inventory and see them as a big stock of fuel energy available for you to go ahead, and not as things missing in your life.

Seeking manifestation first and craving for it, instead of savouring your present desire, is idolatry. It is the same as putting the cart before the horse.

At last, remember that as a multidimensional being, your desires are a reality in the non manifested realm, the 4th dimension, where your Real Self resides, and where everything ever desired is already fulfilled.

Think about it and…
…Stay synchronized

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Resistance to what is and to what is not perpetuates the dream of life

This life, as you perceive it, is not real, but merely a dream. By your attempts to change situations, events, or circumstances you dislike, but which are already in existence, unconsciously through your constant and consistent attention, you feed them with more energy and thus, give them more life. And, the more you try, the more strength they get.

Don't try to change what has been already created. Instead, through your attention and focus, go creating something new. Like that, there would not be any conflict between what is and what is being created. Remember, never resist to what is, let it be just as it is, and pay attention only to what you want to experience.

However, when you realize that this life is merely a dream, and not the real one, you start considering what is and what is wanted as simple illusions, and would neither be resisting again to the first, nor craving for the later.  Because, in both cases, this is perpetuating the dream and, consequently, awakening or getting out of it becomes very probematic.

The secret is to forgive and let go of everything, both what is but you dislike, and what you crave for, but is not there yet; the infinite intelligence in them is their guide and knows what to do, how and when. That way, little by little you detach yourself from all the illusions of this false life created in your mind, and set yourself free.

Think about it...
...And stay synchronized.