Who I Really Am






Thursday, February 25, 2010

Everything that happens is for your highest good

Wanting to change a situation implies lack of love and understanding, which is translated by the level of resistance generated in us and by the willingness to escape from the thing that threatens us. But this resistance only gives more strength and reality to the situation, which is merely shadow and smoke, instead of making the deisired change happen .

  • Why would you resist something or a situation you know nothing about?
  • If you believed that the unconditional love of God for you is true, that you are eternally blessed, safe and that everyhing that happens to you is for your highest good, would you resist them?
  • If you knew that all your sufferings and miseries are only the result of your wrong judgements and appreciations of what is, would you keep judging and suffering anyway?
The fact is, you have no clue about whatever is happening to you. But one thing is true, everything that comes your way is for one reason. It is because God loves you, and everything happening to you is for your highest good. That's the premiss you must bear in mind whatever you may be confronted with.

Having this mind, what would you do instead of resisting?
  • Forgiving yourself for judging and resisting what life has brought for you but seems disturb you.
  • Blessing and loving the situation, whatever it is, realizing it is here only for your highest good
  • Expressing gratitude to God for your safety and His unconditional love for you
  • Relaxing totally, and giving Him all trust and faith for all the outcomes of your life
  • There is much more you can do from this point, those being just some basic indications of where you can start from.

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Too good to be true

You are told to be the son of God. And this seems too good to be true. Isn't it? Also, they say God has only one son, named Christ. How do you concile both? If God has only one son, known as Christ, how could you be His son also?
The truth is, the son of God is a collective entity called Christ, in which everyone of us is part of. As such, you are indeed the son of God.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Be the spectator of your own game

Life is a game, or a big illusion that seems to be real, but which is not. And the fact is, if you consider it to be real, it will be so for you. You will become so involved and immersed in what you perceive that beleiving the contrary will seem almost impossible.

That's why you should not be too much involved in the game of life, and you become so when you take yourself too seriously. Once this happens you get trapped and remain blind about your true reality.

One way to escape from your immersion in the illusion of life is to become the observer, the spectator of your own life. That is you look at yourself from another perspective, as a separate entity, like a pectator of a football game.

Have you noticed how wide and perfect is the view of football spectators from the point they are watching the game? Why is that? The reason is because they are standing at a point away from the action and where they can see every error and mistake from players.

Do the same and see what happens.

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

What do you really want?

All of us, we desire so many things, for ourselves and people we care about. But, few among us know exactly what they really want in life. They may say they want a specific thing, when in fact it is something else that they want.

Usuasually, when people say I want this, or I want that, it is alway about what they want to get and keep for themselves. Here, I am not talking about what you want to take from life. This is unfortunately what the majority of people think about the most. I am talking here about what you want to give to life, or the universe, or God.


Just because it is your reason for being here. You are not on this planet to take and gather all the stuff you desire. You are here to give unconditionally to all, the fruits you produce, spiritually or physically, in order to contribute to the development of humankind. That's why you are here.

But If we don't know what we really want to give to others, if we haven't identified it clearly in our mind, how can we expect to give it? Is it possible to give something you don't know you have, or do not recognize as your contribution to the world?

The fact is, if you don't know what you want, you can have it, but not recognize it. It will be there, just in front of you, but you will not be able to see it, just because you don't know that it is what you want.

Now, what do you really want?

As I said earlier, what you want should not be defined as what you want to get, but rather as what you want to give. Why? Because giving comes first and receiving later. That is the order of things. It is by giving that you get in return; not the reverse.

In addition, some people may think that they want money, when in fact what they want is the sense of security and power money provides. Others think they want a new relationship, when in fact what they want filling the deep emptiness they feel inside of them, etc.

You see, sometimes money or relationships are not always what you really want, but may be something else. What you have to do first is clearly identify in your mind what are your personal strengths and abilities. All people have theirs, and these can be easily recognized by themselves or others. When you do, you have recognized what you can give to others also.

How could you know you have reached your destination if you didn't determined it specifically in the first place? And even when you get there, chances are that you will not recognized it as your destination.

Once you have identified your strengths and abilities, you know what to give to others, and what you'll get in return depends on the quality of what you gave. But if you want to feel safe and powerfull, what can you give and to whom?

Knowing that all security and power belong to God, you have to give Him something if you want to feel safe and powerfull. What you have to give Him is your total recognition that security and power belong to Him. You must GIVE Him your full ACKNOWLEDGEMENt that all power is in Him and Him alone, so that it returns back to you.

Know that God is like the tide, going high and low incessantly, and everything you throw into the waves comes back to you. You see, whatever you want in you, give it to God, by recognizing and aknowledging it in Him. It will come back to you multiplied.

Remember, you are a spirit, and not just a physical body, and a spirit only needs the spiritual. The paradox here is that it is only when you have given the spiritual that the material can follow; but never before.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

As long as the sun will be shining

... I'll give forgiveness and love unconditionally to all, just like the sun with the warmth of its rays.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Eternal present

If time is but merely an illusion, past and future do not exist. Is real only the eternal now, in which all that has ever been and will ever be is, actually.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Change your focus

How you feel right now is an indicator of your point of focus. Attention is one of the most important tools given you by God to drive correctly your personal vehicule known as your physical body .

Unfortunately, most of people didn't learned how to drive this vehicle. As a result, they hurt themselves and others all day long.

Living requires a body driving licence indeed, to prevent you from causing accidents everywhere you go, making life catastrophic for yourself and other people around you.

To have this driving licence, you must first know the most useful and indispensable components of your body and how they work, before using it more efficiently and safely.

Among them, there is your attention, which is one of the most important. Someone said, energies flow where attention goes. Attention is a creative tool given you by God to shape your life tyhe way you want.

When you put your attention on something, you create it and experience it in your life. Release it, and the object of your attention will disappear also. Researches made in quantum physic explain it widely. That is why wanting something and not wanting it produce the same result, as long as your attention remain focused on a specific object.

For example, wanting more money sometimes and being frustrated for not having enough most of the time merely lets you broke. Because the degree of emotion generated by your frustration about not having enough money is higher than your desire to have more of it. The result therefore will match with the most heavy emotion produced in you.

To change the result you get about something, change your focus first. If you have problems making the money you want, try to not think about money anymore. Because your feeling about not having enough money will be stronger than your feeling of abundance or wealth. And you know what? You will just remain broke. So, remove your attention from money.The same thing is observable about waiting for a promotion, a soul mate, a new car, etc.

Keep your attention on the road, on the direction you are moving to. When you are driving, you do not focus on the passenger in your car, or things around you; right? By the way, I am going back to God, what about you?

I have choosen this direction because all over the path, there is everything I want such as joy, happiness, peace of mind, abundance, security, etc. I know that if my direction is a new car, more money and so on, my attention will be drawn to the negative feeling of not having enough. Can you see?

Now, beside the attention there is another important tool called emotion. It is like the dashboard in your automobile with all kind of signals or indicators such as thermostat, and those related to fuel, water, motor, etc.

What do you do when one of them turns to red? You stop (mental brakes) the automobile; right? That is, emotions are devices given you also by God, to let you know that something wrong is going on in you. And what to do then? Just stop the vehicle (mental brakes) and do whatever you can to change your mood.

Generally, your negative emotion are caused by your point of focus. When you feel bad, it is the indicator that your attention is going where it should not. The only thing to do is doing the best you can to release it from there. But, this does not always happen instantly. Meaning your good mood will not come back right away. Therefore, be patient with yourself, until you feel better again.

There are additional tools and devices you should know about your personal vehicle such as mental brakes we have refered to in previous paragraphs. They are tools you use to stop your engine when your emotions signal some disfunctioning.

Others tools will be discored by yourself.

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You can nothing by yourself

Once and for all, know that you can nothing by yourself; nothing. Only with God, the Almighty, is everything possible. All the power belongs to Him, and with Him this power is yours also, and never apart of Him.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lesson of faith from a seed

Faith is translated by :

1) Infinite patience
2) Complete stillness and imperturbility
3) Total silence
4) Constant and consistent focus
5) Growth as the only one objective

People with these attributes perform miracles.

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Become like God

How is God, if you have to become like Him? And why should I become like Him?

1-God is infinitly patient, infinitly loving, infinitly kind, infinitly happy, infinitly abundant, infinitly good, infinitly, joyful, infinitly giving,
2-God asks for nothing, expects nothing, condemns nothing, judges nothing,
3- God gives everything good, loves everything good, is everything good
4- God cannot see "bad" things and cannot do "bad" things
5- God does not forgive because He cannot condemn
6- God is infinitly patient because eternity is His attribute
7- God cannot ask for anything, being already everything

If you become like Him, you will be like Him.

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