Who I Really Am






Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Never again

Never again
Blame someone or something
Or Complain about anyone or anything

Doing so
Is denying Responsibility for your Life
And considering yourself to be the Victim
Of someone or something outside
Thus acknowledging their Power over you

Never again
Judge or Condemn
Anyone or anything

Doing so
Is attempting the impossible challenge
To Separate your Self from the Whole
And considering the world with all its content
To be Real and phenomenons external to you
Forgetting there is no such thing as Out There
While everyone and everything
Are merely Projections of your own Mind
And exist just because you Are

Never again
Fear anyone or anything

Doing so
Is Accepting to be afraid of your own Image
Or fearful of your own Shadows and Reflections
Forgetting the external world is like a Giant Miror
That simply reflects the content of your mind

Never again
Resist What Is
Related to anyone or anything

Doing so
Is an attempt to Swim against the Current
An adventure that cannot be successful
And leads to useless Frustration and Despair

Never again
Take anything in life too Seriously

Doing so
Is strongly Believe
That the world you perceive is Real
Forgetting it's merely a Dream

Never again
Consider your Self
To be a Body

Doing so
Is limiting your Self
To the tiny and visible part of the Iceberg
Or the Marvellous and Unlimited Being you Are
Created in the Image of the Father Himself

Never again
Focus your Attention
On Things you don't Want
You Know it by the way you Feel

Doing so
Will Attract Them into your life
Instead Contemplate What you Really Are
In Everyone and Everything
Knowing that not being a Body
You really Need Nothing
The Kingdom of Heavens
Being already Yours Forever

Never again
Give Anything whatsoever
Permission toTrouble your Mind
And let yourself be Identified with it
Through your Thought, Feelings or Emotions

Doing so
Is losing Control and Power
Thus letting Mind become your Master
Remember that you are not Thought, Feelings or Emotions
And that Attention, Stillness, Self Observation, Presence, Silence
Remain your Keys to Peace

Never again
Take anything in life
For Granted

Doing so
Is a lack of Gratitude
For all your Blessings
And particularly for Who You Really Are
So Remember to constantly and consistently
Give Thanks to The Almighty
And even though you don't know Why
God Does

Never again
Waste uselessly your Cosmic Energy
In Negative Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions and Deeds

Doing so
Is altering the Quality of your entire Life
Including Health, Joy, Happiness and Peace
That depend totally on this Cosmic Energy

Never again
Forget Who You Really Are

Doing so
Is taking the risk to live Randomly
And be Lost in the Net of your Mind
With all the Consequences this implies

Never again
Count or rely on your Conscious Self
To be Free from the Prison of your Mind

Doing so
Is Believing and Hoping that
That which keeps you captive in Prison
Can also be your Savior; that's a lie
Count Only on the Holy Spirit in You
To Set you Free

Never again!

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Monday, September 24, 2012

Awakening and expressing your inner being

 I Am 


I Am 


I Am 


I Am 


I Am 


I Am 


I Am 

You know and are fully conscious of this
On the level of your Inner Being that is for you
What the hidden and invisible part is for an iceberg

But the tiny and visible one currently dreaming
That it is separate from Source
And wants to become this or get that
Is unable to fulfill all its egoistic wishes  

It has long time ago
Forgotten its true nature
And this is at the origin
Of all its frustrations
And endless sufferings 

The way to Awaken from the dream
Or  to Remember Who You Really Are
Is to totally Forgive your tiny self
And the entire world in general

That is to completely Forget
About the visible part of the iceberg
And focus All your Attention
On the Invisible one or your Inner Being
Which is Who You Really Are 

The way to express your True Nature
And how you Consciously Ask and Receive
Are indeed One and the same thing

This consists in  Sending out
Through constant and consistent Focus
The Vibrations of your Inner Being
And so Giving your True Self out
All over the places 

Considering that Sending out Vibrations
Which is the same as Asking and Receiving
Is your main activity on a daily basis
And every split second of your life
Although unconsciously most of the time  

Never again want to become someone
Never again try to get something externally 
Or change anything from the outside

Just start Being One again with your Self
By Sending out Consciously Your True Self
By Sharing your Natural qualities with the world
By Vibrating them and so
Identifying yourself with your Essence
Deeply hidden in your Inner Being 

Then let the Rest take care of itself
Without any resistance on your part
Or the wish to see outcomes differently

"Seek first the Kingdom Of Heavens
And everything else will follow"
Not according to your petty wishes
But to God's own divine Plans 

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Friday, September 21, 2012

The myth of the prodigal son

As prodigal son in this world
Which in fact is not yours at all
You have really never left your Home
You have really never been separated
You have really never been detached
From the loving presence of God
Your Almighty Father

This myth of separation from Source
Is merely a bad dream a tiny part of you
Known as the prodigal son
Is living like a nightmare about himself
Having forgotten Who He Really Is
As the beloved Son of God
Still and forever safe at Home
In the loving presence of His Father

But for taking his dream
Or his so called life too seriously
With all his worries, anxieties and fears
This one seems more and more real to him
Like a movie you become too involved in
Forgetting that nothing at all is real

Awakening from this dream begins
When he starts remembering theTruth about Himself
Without any attachment with the movie he sees
No matter what physical senses may perceive
An no matter what his mind may suggest

The way back Home is found
When the prodigal son remembers
How much magnificent life is at Home
In Heaven with his Father
Where even subjects have a better treatment
Compared to the one he is experiencing

The way back Home is found
Once you start being the spectator of your own life
Without too personal involment in the process
Focused on your True Self behind the scene
Knowing that no matter happens on the surface of things
Who You Are can never be threatened

The way back Home is found
Once you turn your back to the dream
Taking your attention from the movie
And put it on the presence in you
Where forever you remain at Home
And would like your tiny part to return
Like the prodigal son it is
In order to live again
In the fullness of your being

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Am Money

Whenever you chase
Or run after Me
I cannot be found

Whenever you steal Me
Or get Me unfairly
I cannot stay with you

Whenever you force
Only by will to keep Me
I will escape and fly away

Whenever the nature
Of your relationship with Me
Is one of anxiety, worry or fear
Instead of Love and Joy
I am pushed away from you

Instead Give me away freely
For the good and benefit of others
And I will multiply abundantly
For your own good and benefit also

Know that I am not meant
To be searched directly in the first place
Being Dependant of something else

I am merely a Direct Result
I am simply a Direct Consequence
I am  just a Logic Outcome
I am but a By-Product

Of an Exchange between people
Of a Service rendered to others
In one way or another

This is our natural way to meet
And stay durably together
This is the process to go through
In order to be my longlife Companion

But first genuinely Love Your Self
Hidden in all People around the world
Second find your Passion
And Share it with the entire Globe

Know that behind it
Is also hidden like a treasor
The Service you may render to Others
For the improvement of their life
As well as your own
In one way or another

For this Sharing in itself
In the form of Service or Exchange
Is the Only true way
Through which you find Me
Or anything else of equal value

I am Money

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The power of nothingness

Everything you are attracted to
Every single burning desire in you
Is but merely an illusion
Just like the mirage of an oasis
Or the distant reflection of a puddle on the road
Which disappears almost instantly once you get close to it
Leaving place to NOTHINGNESS

This is also the nature of any attraction
Of any specific object or goal you run after
To vanish almost instantly once achieved
Leaving you always in a state of emptiness
No matter the form it may take in appearance
Or how strong and powerful this attraction may be

That is so because desires
Are simply the tree that hides the FOREST
Which is NO THING else
But your TRUE SELF!
Yes this emptiness and nothingness behing any achievement
Is exactly your true nature and what you really are
It is in fact what you are looking for
Behind incessant and trivial pursuits
But without recognizing it when you find
Because you really do indeed all the time

The truth is you are NOTHING
And EVERYTHING at the same time
But in order to experience EVERYTHING
Never put the cart before the horse
Accept first fully to be NOTHING or ZERO
Which is your essential nature
"Seek first de Kingdom of God
Will be added onto you"

Can you imagine that
NOTHINGNESS is at the basis
Of the immense universe you live in
And this same principle at the core of EVERYTHING
Applies to the entire creation including you

Therefore give up all your egoistical desires
And start being NOTHING first on the inside
In order to experience externally 
All your fullness and beauty with GOD Himself
Become humble and insignificant like any true source
To allow life itself flow and manifest through you
In all its diversity and all kind of forms
According to its own laws and not yours

Do that and be the witness
Of the power of NOTHINGNESS
Deeply hidden inside of you
But truly very simple

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized