Who I Really Am






Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The power of nothingness

Everything you are attracted to
Every single burning desire in you
Is but merely an illusion
Just like the mirage of an oasis
Or the distant reflection of a puddle on the road
Which disappears almost instantly once you get close to it
Leaving place to NOTHINGNESS

This is also the nature of any attraction
Of any specific object or goal you run after
To vanish almost instantly once achieved
Leaving you always in a state of emptiness
No matter the form it may take in appearance
Or how strong and powerful this attraction may be

That is so because desires
Are simply the tree that hides the FOREST
Which is NO THING else
But your TRUE SELF!
Yes this emptiness and nothingness behing any achievement
Is exactly your true nature and what you really are
It is in fact what you are looking for
Behind incessant and trivial pursuits
But without recognizing it when you find
Because you really do indeed all the time

The truth is you are NOTHING
And EVERYTHING at the same time
But in order to experience EVERYTHING
Never put the cart before the horse
Accept first fully to be NOTHING or ZERO
Which is your essential nature
"Seek first de Kingdom of God
Will be added onto you"

Can you imagine that
NOTHINGNESS is at the basis
Of the immense universe you live in
And this same principle at the core of EVERYTHING
Applies to the entire creation including you

Therefore give up all your egoistical desires
And start being NOTHING first on the inside
In order to experience externally 
All your fullness and beauty with GOD Himself
Become humble and insignificant like any true source
To allow life itself flow and manifest through you
In all its diversity and all kind of forms
According to its own laws and not yours

Do that and be the witness
Of the power of NOTHINGNESS
Deeply hidden inside of you
But truly very simple

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized

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