Who I Really Am






Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Forgiveness as medicine for peace of mind and healing

You are a spiritual being, using a physical body. As such, you must seek mostly what is spiritual, not the reverse. Don't forget your main purpose here, which is to use the world as a means for getting back home, through forgiveness and love. But, there is something very important to remember. It is that you cannot do it alone, without some help. This help is given by the Holy Spirit in you.

The Holy Spirit is your savior, because he knows everything about your life and is able to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. That is why you must leave the driver's seat of your life and completely rely on him, instead of counting on your pitty self for sustanaible solutions to your problems .

Joy, peace or love cannot precede forgiveness, just as healing cannot precede the treatment of a disease. That is impossible. Forgiveness, which is the medicine of your soul to heal your shady  mind, must come first, before healing can take place in the form of peace, joy, etc.

It is only when your mind is healed, that the experience of something else can follow. That means, your other needs are fullfilled after the appropriate state of mind is achieved.  Nothing can be found in shady water,  quite as nothing constructive can go out of a disturbed spirit.

So stillness, which is  for water what forgiveness is for the mind,  is required, before clarity may come and enable you to find what you have been searching  for so long, the Holy Spirit; the solution to all your problems, which has always been there, waiting  for you quietly, patiently and lovingly.
The only reason you weren't able to find Him, up to this moment, is merely because you continued with  excitement to disturb the water of the river (your mind) with all your unconscious negative thoughts, instead of calming down, letting go and relax, in order to achieve the stillness state that brings clarity and healing.

 "Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added onto you". Realize that the key to the Kingdom is forgiveness, through which  clarity, love, joy, happiness, good, kindness, peace, gratitude, appreciation, charity, satisfaction and so on, can be found. As soon as you unlock the door, you can then experience all other benefits.

The mistake most people do is seeking the benefits first, in form of acquisitions, for instance. However, in this way, it is but putting the cart before the horse. God, All That Is, should be your main center of interest, before anything else. Consequently, love Him unconditionally and, let the Holy Spirit guide you, as you don't know how to do.  It is in this condition only, that the rest (health, relationship, acquisitions...) can follow.

The fact is, when you put something else before God, it will take time to come into manifestation. As a result , you become frustrated, anxious, worried, unhappy, disappointed, etc. And, due to the law of attraction, the more you feel that way, the more you become so, and the less you have chance to get what you want.

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mind is like a blank record-able DVD

Your mind is like a record-able DVD, on which anything can be written, drawn, designed, or painted and, what you put on it is up to you. You are totally free to draw whatever you like and nobody else can do it for you. Unfortunately, most of us are drawing or creating on it by default, using as programs, unconscious thoughts and feelings opposed to what they truly want.

You must understand that this blank DVD called mind is highly sensitive. That is, anything you think, feel or speak is instantly recorded in its memory. For this reason, you must pay attention  to the thoughts and feelings you maintain in your mind.

Now, what kind of world would you like for you and the persons you care about? How would you like your life to be? what kind of surroundings would you like to have around? Who would you like to be?
There are no limits to your choices, because the capacity of this blank DVD memory is absolutely unlimited.

First, you must become clear about your world as you would like it to be. Once you've got this clarity, the second step is to make a list of all the things you want to see in it. Then, paint it, drawn it or design it, by making a detailed description of the items it contains in every area of your life.

As you have designed a global picture of your ideal world, this becomes your personal reality from which you live. That means, from this moment, you must live according to this new paradigm, no matter what your physical senses tell you about the external world which, of course, is your creation, although many things it contains are not as you would like them to be.

You must now behave,  think and feel as if this new world you have drawn in your personal blank DVD is real indeed, until it takes place outside and replaces the old one. That is more or less what Jesus said when answering to a question about prayer. He said, "...when asking for something to your Father in Heaven believe that you have received, and you will have it...".

You don't have to tell anyone about it. The risk is that you become considered by them to be a madman. Just believe it and act as if it is true; because it is, indeed. Don't make the mistake to rely on your physical senses to confirm you the truth. As you know, they are so limited that only a tiny portion of reality, representing the visible part of the iceberg, can be perceived by them. However, there is far much more to see in the invisible plane than you can even imagine.

In fact, who you really are, at the spiritual level, has and is already everything. But, until you stop waiting for things outside of you, they will not come into your experience. Because doing it is an affirmation of their absence in your life.

If you were rich, with millions of dollars on your bank account balance, would you worry again for money? Would you feel powerless again if you had become now the kind of person you would like  to be? The state of mind you would have achieved in those conditions is exactly the one you must now cultivate, through your personal record-able DVD, and once the subconscious has been totally convinced of this new reality which is yours, manifestation is spontaneously projected to the visible world.

Warning: At this point, never again feel deprived of anything. You already have your inner personal Kingdom and nobody can take it away from you. Anything else, contrary to this reality is a lie; as such, you don't have to believe it. Don't ask or expect anything outside of yourself. The world you perceive does not have the capacity to give you anything you desire, because it is just a sort of giant screen, like a computer's screen, that reproduces and displays only the images which have been, in the first place, introduced into the memory of the computer machine. So, never again believe what you think or what people say that does not conform with the Reality of God or Truth, which is diametrically opposed to physical senses.

Review the description of  items on your list everyday, at night before sleeping and early in the morning, just before waking up. Don't pay attention to the current conditions in which you still seem to be and that you dislike. You cannot see it but, little by little, it is changing and very soon will fade away.

Alway,  remember that who you really are is already everything. The only thing you have to do is to allow his manifestation to take place, just by acting as if, while ignoring whatever your physical senses may suggest.

 Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.

Friday, May 20, 2011

It will be done onto you according to your faith

It will be done onto you according to your faith. This eternal truth in the holy scriptures has been repeated over and over since centuries and is still accurate today.Simply put, the meaning you give to anything in your life will be your reality. 

It is for this same reason Christ advised to not judge anything. "Judge not", he said, for whatever judgement you will give to any event or circumstance will turn out to be your personal reality. Because your judgement then becomes a decision that produces effects. We had already discussed this issue in the past. But I think it is worth coming back on this important question which is in direct relationship with the way we create our life.

The point where I'd like to get is the following. As you are going into a certain experience in your life, particularly the one you judge as "bad", pay attention to what you think and how you feel presently about it. Because, as stated earlier, your outcomes  will be in direct proportion with what you believe, and the way you think and feel.

There is one thing to keep in mind, always. It is that God loves you and everything you experience is for your highest good. From this postulate, only give positive meanings to everything and see whatever you experience as a blessing, because it is, indeed.

The advantage of this technique is that not only will you neither no longer feel bad and negative about yourself, nor see yourself as a victim, powerless, not enough, limited, guilty, separated from God and so on, but chances are that what was previously perceived as "bad" experiences will turn out to be very positive ones as well as blessings in your life. 

Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest american thinkers put it well in one of his personal mastery traits with this advice: "notice the blessing in everything, big and small, dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from".

Once again, the meaning you give to whatever you experience is up to you, and will become your personal reality, not only inwardly, but externally also. In this lifetime, everyone of us has his particular lessons to learn, in particular circumstances. That explains why our birth conditions are not the same.We were not born in  same countries, in same families, or with the same color. 

There had never been a competition of any kind, or a contest from which winners got the reward to be born in specific countries and in specific conditions. Therefore, demonstrating pride for being a citizen of  one specific country, for ones appartenence in such or whatever, are pure ignorance. Even worse, this mental attitude would take you far away from your purpuse, which is to learn during this life time, and delay your personal evolution.

Being "rich" or "famous" in this world is not a gratification or a reward you receive in recognition of a personal performance or achievement  in some discipline. Just as being "poor" or suffering from a grave "disease" is not a sort of punishment due to some bad deeds in the past. Those are merely conditions we all go through in one moment or another in the cycle of  life, to enable us to learn what is to be learn in our process of evolution.

Those who are rich and famous today had already lived in different conditions and will again go through many others in the cycle of their existence. The same thing is true for those who are considered as poor today. It is sometimes amazing to see people telling others proudly how they got where they are, in terms of acquisitions, fame, or wealth as if at the level of ego, they were totally in charge of their apparent success. 

The truth is, those people don't even have a clue themselves how they got where they currently are. They have only an idea of what can be perceived on the surface of the conscious mind which, as known today, represents a very tiny and insignificant part of human being consciousness, unlimited and including the subconscious and the superconscious.
Today, everybody wants to be rich and famous and no one wants to be poor, because material "poverty" is seen as something "bad". But, who really knows the purpose of this apparent misery? Who reaches a clear understanding of the deep meaning and the profound wisdom hidden behind these particular conditions against which the entire planet is fighting?

If being poor was such a hideous condition, why did Buddha left the comfort of his fathers' palace, for this condition in which he finally found enlightenment? Why did Jesus refuse the riches of the world  proposed  by the devil or ego to him?  

Can you imagine a world in which everybody is rich and famous? In such a world, who will be doing what for whom? In other words, who then will be the master and who will be the servant? Who will be applauding the other? Who will be the teacher and who will be the student? And if everybody gets rich, what value will have money again?

You should thing about it. The relative value money has today is simply due to the fact that almost 4/5 of the population is "poor". Now, invert the tendency, and the richest men of the world will become anonymous, maybe like you in this moment.

Somenone  is called "rich", only because another is called "poor". There is neither superiority nor inferiority in that, because both are just two sides of the same coin; learning different lessons from different perspectives. It is just like that.  

You see, nothing is really as you imagine, or as you perceive it. You are absolutely a perfect son of God, living now certain conditions in this life time. I can assure you, there is nothing "good" nor "bad" in those conditions; just lessons to learn from them. 

However, the best way to live these conditions, particularly the "bad" ones that almost everybody wants to avoid, is through understanding, based on the knowledge that underneath each  circumstance lies a lesson, and a blessing, whose sole purpose, when discovered, is to help you evolve a step further, on your path to your spiritual realization.    

Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

For only one reason you can be happy or unhappy

For one single thing, you can be unhappy your all life. In general, this unhappiness is about something you want, but that takes time to come, or seems impossible for you to have. Therefore, you get worried, anxious or frustrated.

In addition, that which you want if often related to your body or your ego, such as a relationship, a baby, money, a car, a home, or something of this kind.

The good news is that, as you can be unhappy for one single thing, so can you be happy also for one single thing. And this is about what you consider to be the most important in your life.   

For example, one reason to be happy for is realizing that you are not your boby, but something higher that that. From there, any negative feeling  you experience that is related to it does not matter any longer. Because you will have finally understood  that your true nature is far beyond the seemingly limits you can experience at the level of your body.

Think about it and...
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Monday, May 9, 2011

100% responsibility without blame or avoidance for whatever bothers you

Not a victim, but 100% responsible

When you think or say that somebody has done this or that to you, what you are doing, in fact, is making yourself a victim by giving up your inner God given power to the benefit of someone else outside of you. Remember, nobody has the power to trouble you or make you suffer. Because in fact, there is no such thing as out there and you are 100% responsible of how you react to occurrences.  Any negativity you experience is but an indicator of your passive relationship with the ego and your inability to choose against it in favor of life itself, which is what is.You consider yourself as a victim of life. You think that life, or God, is against you. In fact, you are victim of ego, a puppet in its hands. The ego originates these negative thoughts and feelings in you, and make you believe they are yours. Refuse to listen and put yourself again into slavery. Life is what is, as it is, not as you'd like it to be. Go with the flow and not against it. Resistance is a strategy used by the ego in order to survive
Do not blame the mirror or messengers

Once you understand that the world, people, events, circumstances and whatever, are gifts whose sole purpose is your awareness of what is going on inside of you, you no longer blame anybody or anything outside of you. Instead, manifest gratitude for whatever you perceive in the mirror of life, including people, events and circumstances that come to you as messengers, to let you know what’s going on in you. Your goal is to see the world as God does, and not how the ego wants you to perceive it. Therefore, look at whatever comes to you as a blessing, with appreciation and gratitude. Then, take the right action accordingly; action based on forgiveness, love, appreciation and gratitude.

Remember that it is ego, not you

Always, have in mind that it is not you, enduring these troubles and experiencing all these negative feelings, emotions and diseases. But, your ego, that wants you to feel like a victim. This is an insidious game that it is playing with you. He wants you to believe that what you are is what it is; so that you react not as you should, but as it wants. Be vigilant therefore and stay awake. So that, in your awareness, you are able to make the right choice, moment to moment.  That is, whether you decide, or are a puppet.

Don't make the mistake to avoid what bothers you

Often people do whatever they can to run away from others, events, or circumstances that make them unease.What they don't know is that as long as they avoid this feeling of uneasiness, it will keep showing up over and over, until they make total peace with it.When you understand once and for all that the purpose of whatever you perceive as threatening to you is not to harm you, but to help you find your way back home through forgiveness and love, you no longer attempt to avoid it. Because you finally realize that this escape is but  a delay of your return to who you really are.

Think about it and...
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Knowledge is not enough

Like musicians, sculptors, painters and so on, spiritual teachers, self help experts or motivational speakers are a category of artists also, but that are not known as such. When you are in front of a beautiful painting, or are listening to a nice peace of music, you enter in a deep state of admiration, appreciation, or even love. You are like transported in another dimension and become one with it

But, the fact is that although you can enjoy and appreciate one peace of art,  it's evident that you will not be able to reproduce the same performance like the artist himself, unless you masters the discipline also. If this is true for conventional arts, it is also true for spirituality and any other discipline.

The mastery of any kind of discipline requires years of years of dedicated practice and hard work, before significant results can appear outside. Having enjoyed listening to a nice piece of music does not mean you have become an artist. Unfortunately that is the common  mistake people make in spirituality or self development.

Many believe that because they have enjoyed reading  an interesting book or attending a wokshop on spirituality or self development, when they return home, results will come overnight and they will be able to live the life of their dream as promissed by the author or speaker.

This same error has gone through centuries and it explains why since the death of Christ 2000 years ago, humanity has not achieved  real change. People are convinced that it is enough to go to church on sunday and read the bible, then they will be good christians, followers of Christ and all their life will change at once without any other effort on their part. Unfortunately, things do not work like that.and when people do not  get what they want from life, they think that life is against them and so, they get frustrated, deceived and lose their faith.

Great masters never said that the path to any kind of achievement is easy.Not at all. Constant and consistent practice is necessary before any outcome can be achieved in the long run.

The Truth is that there is only one artist and only one performer: God Himself. He is the Spirit that expresses Himself (beauty) throuh human being, His channel of expression. But, for this expression to take place, favorable conditions are necessary.

 These conditions are met only through practice and exercise. That is the only thing required from human being. When this requirement is met, God manifests Himself and results become spontaneous in the form the beauty people appreciate and enjoy.

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