Who I Really Am






Monday, December 27, 2010

Your resolutions for 2011

1) Feel good, no matter what, like the sun!
2) Practice gratitude and appreciation for everything, also like the sun!
3) Uncondionnally, love yourself, love others and everything, again like the sun!
4) Forgive yourself, forgive others, and everything, again like the sun!
5) Judge not, always like the sun!
6) Be proactive in everything and live without expectations, definitely like the sun;
7) Practice perfect stillness and peace of water at the bottom of the sea, or any container;
8) Live in the Eternal now;
9) The only thing that matters is how you react, not what happens to you;
10) Knowing that the whole world is in you, that there is no such thing as out there,
and that love is the only response, be therefore 100% responsible by giving only love;
11) The only value the world has is to be the only means by which you get back Home to God;
12) Practice alignment of your thoughts, words and actions to Who You Really Are;
13) Remember that only perfection (innocence) is, has always been and will ever be, despite the
apparent turmoil of daily life;
14) Above all avoid all form of resistance, and...
15) Enjoy the trip!

These are your resolutions for year 2011. Stick to them and keep growing...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to deal with your emotions of fear, worry, anxiety, etc.

Your emotions such as fear, worry, anxiety, doubt, frustration, anger, resentment and so on, are not bad or your ennemies. They are all reactions or alarms from the subconscious, your survival mechanism, informing you that you are threatened or in danger.

However, as you already know it, you cannot and will never be threatened or in danger. Because you are not who you think you are. Who You Really Are is not there. It lives in perfect peace, tranquility and abundance in God, Who loves Him unconditionnally and eternally. So, nothing of any kind will ever threaten you.

But, on the physical plane, the subconscioous is not aware of that. It does not have a clue what your true nature is, as spiritual being. What it knows is its function, which is to protect you, specially your body, from physical threats and dangers. That is what it does on a regular basis.

So, don't resist or blame it for just doing its job when sending you alarms of fear, worry, anxiety, frustration, or anger incessantly and all over the place. That is just its function, as assigned to it by its creator. There is nothing to do about that.

The only thing to do, once you know how the subconscious works, is to speak quietly, kindly and lovingly to it, in order to reassure and let it know that everything is all right and that there is nothing to fear or worry about wherever you are.

But, never resist or blame alarms being sent to you. The subconscious is like a small child. Because the more you use blame with him, the more he cries and is afraid, convinced that he is threatened by somebody or something. For this reason, Always speak to the subconscious with love and kindness. When you do so, it listens to you, believes what you say, and obeys you.

For example, in case of alarms of fear, worry or anxiety from the subconscious, lovingly reassure it by saying this:
  • Thank you subconscious for informing me
  • You are kind and caring with me
  • I love you
  • You know, I am not alone, separated or in charge
  • God, the Infinite Intelligence, Almighty, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, is All That Is
  • I don't have a life apart from Him
  • He lives in me and I live in Him
  • And His curative presence flows through me, through everybody and everything as harmony, perfect health, joy, peace, and abundance
  • So, everything is all right, and all is well
  • Thank you

That's it. Do it as often as necessary and whenever an alarm from the subconscious pops up. Then, see what happens.

Think about it and...

..Stay synchronized.