Who I Really Am






Monday, January 5, 2009

Teachings from the universe

The universe speaks. And it speaks to us every day, and every moment. But, we are so blind and deaf, that we do not realize it at all. The universe is not something separate from us. We are part of it and everything around us as well. And everything that surrounds us has it individual and unique message for us to listen to and a deep and pofound lesson to learn and apply in our life.

Take a tree, for example. What is its lesson for us ?

- Stillness
- Taking roots
- Etc.

When we look at a tree, those are some of the lessons it teaches us permanently. Stillness means, whatever happens in your life, such as obstacles or challenges, don't panic. Never. Be quite, be still like the tree. The turmoil will pass, like the wind, and you'll still be there. Don't panic, or fear.

What about taking roots ?
When you look at a tree, a big tree, it is deeply rooted in the ground, without which solid growth, or stillness would be impossible. You see, ground is essential to the tree.

We, as human being, should have something similar or identical, that supports us and helps us grow strongly also. God , or spirit in us, is that something. We must be deeply rooted in God, to maintain our stillness or power, and to grow and resist to any challenge or obstacle that may come our way.

God is the ground in which our roots must be digged in. It is the anchor to the boat of our life. But, how do we get rooted ? We do it trough conscious thinking. In every moment and every day of our life, we must think of God as our anchor, or the ground in which our roots are profoundly diggged in.

Make it an habit of thought. Your attention and focus on God will serve as a link to establish this relationship between you and Him.

Do not let the so called obstacles and challenges distract you from this connection. Instead, stay determined to maintain it, no matter what.

Next time, we'll interpret another lesson from the book of the universe.

Stay synchronized...

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