Who I Really Am






Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The big lie about happiness

You'll be happy once you are, do or have whatever you want... is a lie. A big lie.

When a tree has too many fruits, birds refuse to eat them and instead, fly very far away, prefering to search their food in another tree where fruits are rare and some effort is required on their part, to find it.

Many people would like to have everything they want in their life. That's a big mistake they make. How can you have everything you want and be happy at the same time ? It is not possible. Because, if you had everything you desire, life would be so boring and without interest, that you would no longer know what to do. I tell you that's true. Therefore, be happy that you haven't got yet everything you want.

And, when you look at it more closely, you realize in fact, that what you want is love, consideration, appreciation, admiration, from others. You don't need things for things themselves. No. You want them in order to be admired by others. And, without them, envying you, or appreciation you for what you have, whatever you possess has no value. You will be proud of yourself only when you will be able to demonstrate to your family, parents, friends, spouse, or relatives, that you have succeeded. Without them applauding you, you do not exist, so to speak.

What you have has a value only when it is difficult to get. Take the air we breathe, for example. We have it in abundance. But in our daily life, we do not realize how important it is. Yet, it is one of the most important things we have. We find just normal to breathe and use it as we like. That all. But if, one day, this air becomes rare, at the point that it will be sold in bottles in markets, we will at last realize how important it is.

Think about it and...

Stay synchronized

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