This is one of our last posts for 2008, and an opportunity for us to wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year 2009. It is our wish for you. But, the result depends on you. Only.
When we look a few months back , we notice that many dreams we would like to have realized during this year, didn't come true. And we hope that the upcoming year will bring us the opportunities to live these dreams.
But, the thing is, the truth is : nothing is missing in your life. Nothing. Except, experiences. That is the only thing we need. Your hope for a better future is a direction to Who You Really Are. Reason why the experience of hope just perpetuates, over and over again in your life. Recognizing, assuming and accepting that you have it all already in abundance, potentially, is an important step in the direction of creating the reality you chose in your life.
How is that ?
According to quantum physisists, energy is at the core of everything in existence. Everything. Without exception. And this energy exists in abundance in the universe, and beyond. Now, if you are-and you are- yourself this energy, everything else around you, including the object of your dream, is, also.
The only difference that exists between you and objects around you, is the frequency of their vibration. Yes. That's it. Every form of energy vibrates at a specific frequency. When you reach the same frequency level as something, you vibrate at the same frequency and are aligned with it. Then, it can manifest in your life, almost litterally.
Why is that ? The answer is simple : like attracts like. When you form a specific image in your imagination, a mental image, it projects itself, at fruition, in the physical world. With the law of attraction, the mental image in your imagination will attract to itself anything of the same vibration, subatomic particles, particles, atoms and so on, in order to take its physical form. Such as a car, a home, etc. Still as energy, this mental image will use its infinite intelligence to synchronize events, circumstance or people to project itself into the physical world.
How then can you reach the same frequency level of anything else ? Through your attention. When you put your attention on something, you start vibrating at the same frequency. Your thoughts and feelings are some of the tools that help crystallize your attention on something. And many techniques , such as visualisation, and so on, can produce the same result, also.
One thing to know and remember is that this energy is infinitely intelligent, in such a way that it does not need your help to reorganize itself into the object of your thought. The only thing that is required from you is, direction, and trust. Unfortunately, most people get confused in this process between their role, and the role of the Infinite Intelligence. And when this confusion occurs, the creation process is jammed. Often, they give direction and attempt to create or manifest at the same time. As a result, they fail, get frustrated and finally give up.
Coming back to our main idea, what we want to emphasize is this. You, as energy, are and have already everything. You just want to experience it. The energy you are exists in abundance in the universe, which is by the way all energy itself. It can take any form, according to the direction you give it. No direction, no movement, no movement, no creation, no creation, no experience.
When you are in the elevator for example, you must press a button, corresponding to the number of the floor you want to go to. If you don't, you won't move, and will just stay there. But, potentially, you can be taken to whatever floor you'd like to move to.
Energy, spirit, is like that. Potentially, il enables you to experience anything, whatsoever. But, to do that, it needs direction and trust, also.
One thing to bear in mind is that energy or spirit is, not only infinite intelligence, but highly sensitive, also. Any thought, feeling or emotion given out is a direction that will lead to an experience of the same nature. That is why most people have experiences they didn't ask for, but were produced by default, often unconsciously.
But, there is many ways to experience purposely and consciously. One of them is by exercising your imagination. That means, you experience first in your imagination the thing you desire, until it becomes real, so to speak. In your imagination, the experience must feel as if it was real, now. At the point that you even no longer need to experience it physically. That is very important. For that, all your five senses must be engaged in the process. That's the real meaning of acting as if.
Thank you for your attention.
Do you know what I am doing right now? I am putting my attention on you, and imagine you applying successfully the process and enjoying your experiences. I do not hope. Because I undersatnd that hope, will only produce more hope. And nothing else. I give direction to the universal and infinite intelligence energy, which always follows and manifests itself in the physical form, according to the direction given by all of us.
Stay synchronized...
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