Who I Really Am






Friday, September 5, 2014

Choose To Serve Only One Master

God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent
He is the matrix of everything in existence 
But related to circumstances people go through
“Good” or “bad” their ultimate cause lies only
In the quality of the relationship or exchanges
People entertain moment to moment with Source
By the way they direct their attention on purpose
Regardless of what their physical senses suggest
Or fail to focus exclusively on the eternal TRUTH
Our attention or lack of focus on All That Is
Indeed generate kind of thoughts and feelings
Corresponding to the objects of our interest 
And in time create in our subconscious mind
As a result of custom, precedent or habit
A predominant and powerful mental attitude
Of a specific energy vibratory frequency
Which like a magnet will attract and determine
The nature of our conditions and environment
If you deeply believe in the nature of God
And in the power of His spirit given to you
If you are really convinced in your entire being
Of the fact that the Almighty God is All That Is
All That Has ever Been and All That Will ever Be
You should no longer at the same time believe
In the existence of anything opposite to Him
If you don’t lose your focus on Him
But always remember that God is love,
Harmony, Joy, Security, Abundance, Beauty,
Clarity, Health, Wealth, Riches, Strength,
Infinite Intelligence, Oneness, Unity, Kindness,
Peace, Stillness, power, Good, Strength, etc.
You can no longer believe at the same time
In your so called problems, obstacles, lack,
And allow youself to get worried, anxious,
Threatened, fearful, powerless, or unhappy 

However if you are inclined to forget God
And to spend your energies in the unreal
And doing so you nourish and strengthen it  
You know exactly how you would feel
You know the feeling of separation, lack,
Discomfort, poverty, impotence, despair
Disharmony, loneliness, powerless
As well as the worry, frustration, anxiety,
Fear, disease, shyness, discouragement,
That follows whenever you do so
The good news however is that
At any given moment you have the choice
And the power to decide who to serve
Meaning to whom to give your attention
So that you may express it in your life
However only one master can be chosen
Just as your attention can dwell also
On one single thing at a time
Consistently align your conscious self
With the attributes of your Higher Self
No matter whatever seems to happen
And you dislike in your environment
Doing so harmony with the Total You
Can be restored and then be reflected
In your conditions and your whole life

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronised


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