Who I Really Am






Friday, June 6, 2014

There are only two ways to live one's life

Only two ways exist to live one’s life
 Either you blame or complain
Then get frustrated and unhappy
For things not working in your life
Or you appreciate and are grateful
For good ones that come on your path
No matter how little and insignificant
They may appear in your eyes
But a third or middle way doesn’t exist! 
For every adverse condition in your life
Millions of blessings to appreciate
And be grateful for are waiting for you
Why not turn your back right now
And release your attention
From any adverse condition
You may find yourself in 

 Never try hard to improve anything
Focus only on your current blessings
If you don’t have the relationship you want
Forget about having a better relationship
And focus all your attention and love
With appreciation and gratitude
On good things in your hand right now 

Doing so the dreamed relationship
Will follow by itself automatically
 If you are broke don’t try hard to become rich
Because the feeling of not having enough money
Will get stronger than the one of having it
And as a result you will get the reverse 

 Again focus only on the blessings
You can appreciate right now
Such as your health, your friends,
Your home, your job and so on
And the rest will follow  

Life works in such a marvelous way that
Things which produce in you good feelings
Have the tendency to gather around you
Naturally without your permission
And those that produce in you negative ones
Also do the same because like attracts like 

 You don’t get anything in this life
By chasing or running after them
But by attracting them onto you
Due to the natural law of attraction 

The mode of operation of this law
Is the same with your shadow
 When you run after your own shadow
The shadow will move fast before you
 You will never be able to catch it
 But turn your back on the shadow
It will follow you wherever you go
The same law can be observed
With an animal and its queue 

The great tragedy of human being
Looks like the story of someone who
Despite the mountain of delicious fruits
Already on the ground all around him
And ready to be savored and appreciated
He keeps focusing on the single one
Still remaining on one of the branches 

Most people are good seekers
But very pitiable receivers
They often receive what they ask
But once in their hand
The gift is no longer appreciated
And is replaced by another want 

This leads them to the same state
Of poverty about what they now want
 That’s why the notion of poverty is relative
 You will always seek something you don’t have
And as long as you don’t get it
You will feel poor and miserable
No matter all the acquisitions you posses

Ultimately turn your back on the world
And your face to the Lord the Supreme
Appreciate and be genuinely grateful
For whatever is in your hand NOW
And totally forget about all the rest
Which soon or later will take care of itself

Think about it and......
Stay synchronized

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