Let’s suppose that in this moment
Something you have been longing
For quite such a great length of time
That you can’t even remember again
How long you have been praying for it
Finally happens and manifests today
Finally happens and manifests today
Maybe you‘d fall down on your knees
Early in the morning following that day
In front of the main entry of your home
Your eyes and hands raised up to the sky
And all your senses filled with emotion
While at the same time giving thanks
To express appreciation and gratitude
To Father God and all your beloved ones
Now living in the invisible world of spirits
For their continuous care and support
And all their blessings poured on you
Combined with creative imagination
Genuine act of appreciation and gratitude
Must precede any
degree of manifestation
And is by excellence the premium currency
Used to pay in advance
whatever you want
If you are willing to get it fast and easily
And make all your dreams come true
It is the way to impress the subconscious
And convince it about the truth that is yours
Thus help you believe that you have received
Whatever you desire and want to manifest
By the frequent use of your imagination
It is also the way to seek first the Kingdom
Or the spiritual essence of everything in life
And make anything else be added onto you
By holding and rehearsing in your imagination
Vivid mental images of the ideal in view
Don’t wait until your desires materialize
In order to manifest your gratitude to God
True gratitude in fact precedes experience
And is all about the spiritual cause of things
Not their manifestation or the final result
Understand that truth or reality is spiritual
And their manifestations are merely effects
But until you completely change your mind
To have all your attention fully focused on it
Until you identify yourself with this spirit
And love it more than idols you’ve created
You’ll always feel separate and incomplete
And this is your greatest challenge on earth
Think about it and...And this is your greatest challenge on earth
...Stay synchronized