What are you craving for in your life? Is it for money, for a relationship? for a band new car? for a nice home? for material success? Or for anything of this kind?
If the answer is yes, you consider yourself to be a body, which is not your reality. Who you really are is not a body, but mind or spirit. Now, what could a mind be craving for?
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
It is all around you
Up to this moment, you have been looking at the same things always in the same way. Guess what? Your life has always been the same, also. Remember that what I call your life has nothing to do with your experiences, "good" or "bad", but with who ou are when you live them, or the way you live them instead.
When I say that it's all around you, I really mean it. When you are in your home, in your office, out with friends, in the street, what at you looking at? How are you looking at it? What do you focus on usually? What do you feel?
You see, it's just about that!
People can look at the same thing at the same time, but neither seeing the same thing nor experiencing the same feeling.
What do you feel when you see another person with the kind of new car or nice home you crave for? What do you feel when you see a nice guy or a beautiful women? What do you feel when you notice you don't have enough money in your purse? What do you experience in you when someone else is succeesful and you are not? How do you live these things? Why even do you notice them?
If you can change the way you look at things, or completelly choose to look at new ones instead of focusing on the same over and over, you would change everything in your life also. That does not mean things will change, which is by the way not important. What will happen is that you will change, regardless of what occurs around you, and this priceless.
Remember that everything is around you. Everything. You have the choice to put your attention where you want.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
When I say that it's all around you, I really mean it. When you are in your home, in your office, out with friends, in the street, what at you looking at? How are you looking at it? What do you focus on usually? What do you feel?
You see, it's just about that!
People can look at the same thing at the same time, but neither seeing the same thing nor experiencing the same feeling.
What do you feel when you see another person with the kind of new car or nice home you crave for? What do you feel when you see a nice guy or a beautiful women? What do you feel when you notice you don't have enough money in your purse? What do you experience in you when someone else is succeesful and you are not? How do you live these things? Why even do you notice them?
If you can change the way you look at things, or completelly choose to look at new ones instead of focusing on the same over and over, you would change everything in your life also. That does not mean things will change, which is by the way not important. What will happen is that you will change, regardless of what occurs around you, and this priceless.
Remember that everything is around you. Everything. You have the choice to put your attention where you want.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
There are no such things as problems or obstacles
Yes, that's true. Problems or obstacles are but merely opportunities for you to declare and choose who you are and who you want to be. They are not there to have grievance for, neither to be worried nor feared.
As opportunities, they should and must be met with gratitude, appreciation and love. Just as Benjamin Franklin said:" Notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from".
As you see, gratitude, appreciation and love are the only answers which are to be given to any situation whatsover that seems to bother you. Because, as a creator of your own life and not a victim of it, you are given the chance through them to choose rightly, in order to become little by little Who You Really Are.
What you are creating is how you react to people, events and circumstances that come your way, and the way you feel about it is what is called your "life". The question is, how would you like this experience to be?
Yes, you've got it. Your life is based on your state of mind which is produced by your reaction to what you experience now as "good" and "bad". And this experience, in turn, is dictated by the way you judge everything that happens to you.
That's why you are often said: Judge not! You don't have enough clarity to do so and to really appreciate life as it is. Therefore, your only alternative is the one described above which consists of appreciating and being grateful about everything for the apportunity they give you to choose your true Self and thus, get back home.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
As opportunities, they should and must be met with gratitude, appreciation and love. Just as Benjamin Franklin said:" Notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from".
As you see, gratitude, appreciation and love are the only answers which are to be given to any situation whatsover that seems to bother you. Because, as a creator of your own life and not a victim of it, you are given the chance through them to choose rightly, in order to become little by little Who You Really Are.
What you are creating is how you react to people, events and circumstances that come your way, and the way you feel about it is what is called your "life". The question is, how would you like this experience to be?
Yes, you've got it. Your life is based on your state of mind which is produced by your reaction to what you experience now as "good" and "bad". And this experience, in turn, is dictated by the way you judge everything that happens to you.
That's why you are often said: Judge not! You don't have enough clarity to do so and to really appreciate life as it is. Therefore, your only alternative is the one described above which consists of appreciating and being grateful about everything for the apportunity they give you to choose your true Self and thus, get back home.
Think about it and...
Stay synchronized...
Thursday, April 1, 2010
You stand between two voices, which one do you listen to?

You are alone - You are sick - You have no job - You are broke - You don't have the promotion you derserve - You have lost a dear one - You are homeless - You feel stuck - You experience a feeling of injustice, etc.
Solution: apply to your problem the knowledge you have about Who You Are.
1) First, know that it is not You, having these problems, but your ego. Problems are of the ego, not of You. Miracles however are of You through the Holy Spirit. Look therefore at the miracles, not the problems.
2) Second, Who you are is powerful, limitless and far beyond any form of problem.
3) The truth is that, because you listen to your ego, it wants you to believe that You are what it is, which is WRONG!
4) You are forever safe in the Almighty God, you Father. Nothing in the entire universe can hurt you. Never!
5) You are eternally blessed, loved and loving.
6) Both problem and solution come together. One is the grievance the ego makes you have when you listen to it, the other is the miracle behind, when you listen to the Holy spirit's voice.
7) You don't see the big picture, due to your limited sight. That's why you must have faith and trust in the Holy Spirit.
8) You stand at the middle of two influences, the Holy spirit and the ego. One is very noisy and quick to speak. You generally listen to it as it uses your limited physical senses to convince you of the truth about what you perceive, but which is far from reality. This entity is the ego. The other, known as the Holy Spirit, is very soft and infinitly patient and loving. He waits patiently and lovingly until you turn to His side to listen to Him. He is never tired of waiting for you. Whenever you want and decide to listen, He is ready to speeak to you. Never angry at you, never resentful, He will never abandon you because of your stupidity. Never. He knows who you are and He understands your difficult dilemma.
9) When man is in order, so becomes the world.
10) God loves you eternally.
11) "They that be with us are more than they that be with them".
12) You should let it sink, as it wants you to be assimilated to it
13) Notice the blessing in everything, big and small...
One thing, billions interpretations
For everything in your life, be it a circumstance or event, there are billions interpretations. You decide the one that suits you the best. And in order to recognize it, analyse the way you feel. If you really, really feel good about one of them, that's it. Go for it for whatever you have in view!
Think about and..
Stay synchronized...
Think about and..
Stay synchronized...
Symbols for awareness
1) The sun
2) The water (in a glass or a drop)
3) The tree
4) The coin
5) The world map and photo
5) The elephant and heart of palm
5) The fly trapped in a web
2) The water (in a glass or a drop)
3) The tree
4) The coin
5) The world map and photo
5) The elephant and heart of palm
5) The fly trapped in a web
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