Who I Really Am






Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Dare to say no to ego

You are Sad and Unhappy
Because you Sell yourself short
By Giving up your Freedom
In the hands of your master Ego

You are Sad and Unhappy
Because you Identify your Self
With a slave at the mercy of Ego
And all its incessant Demands

Dare to say No to this Imposter
To set yourself Free from its prison
And regain your total Freedom
As well as your inner Happiness

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What you get you forget

Although very Simple indeed
Gratitude or Appreciation for What Is
Or for What you Have in your Hands
Are not as easy as they may seem at first
And few people really succeed at it

Just look at yourself Right Now
And consider all the Blessings in your life
These have no longer any Value for you
Until one or some of them are lost
To Realize how Important they were in your life

Now all your Attention and Energies are focused
On the One Single thing you desire the most
Until you Get it and Forget it also almost instantly
For something else supposed to make you Happy

The Truth is that Happiness is not Outside of you
But is your Essential nature deeply hidden inside of you
And Experienced only by Giving it out to your Brothers
Thus enabling it to Come Back to you like a boomerang

So stop looking Up to the sky for a moment
To consider all the Gifts lying just under your Feet
And ask yourself what would happen if one day
They were suddenly taken away from you

When you come at this point
Remember that it is never too late
To Appreciate what you Already Have

This is the moment to Open your Eyes and See
All the Blessings that presently Surround you
And forget the Mirage Dancing in front of you
To express your Gratitude to your Loving Father
For his Care and Unconditional love for You

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

The eyes of Faith

True Seeing is being able to see with the Eyes of Faith what your physical eyes cannot see. So, if you have to ask something to God, ask for Faith in the first place and the rest will follow.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

The Kingdom of Heavens as a State of Consciousness

The Kingdom is merely a State of Mind and not some place, some where. It is a state of Unconditional Love, Infinite Peace, Joy and Total Satisfaction. So the Trip of life is no more no less than a Journey in your own Consciousness towards a Higher Consciousness called the Kingdom of Heavens. This is your Final destination, your True Home, where your Real Self, the Higher Self or the Superconscious dwells forever, hidden like the invisible part of the iceberg, from your conscious mind.

Thus, consciousness Journey is just an awakening process. That is,  you wake up from your deep Dream of Separation of your self with Your True Self which, however, is fully and eternally awake in God. It's as if a seed that  before was a tree, is growing to be transformed again into the same tree, which later will produce fruits which in their turn, to loop the loop, will later give birth to other seeds. And the process goes on over and over again. That's what the Consciousness Journey looks like.  

Now, when preparing yourself to Join the Kingdom and be Whole again, choose and take with you only what is Necessary, Permanent or Eternal like the Kingdom itself. For example, you can bring with you one Billion tones of Wisdom, one Billion tones of Love, one Billion tones of Peace, one Billion tones of Patience, one Billion tones of Joy, one Billion tones of Harmony, one Billion tones of Self gift, etc.

Doing so does not mean you will add anything to the Kingdom which is already sufficient in itself, but this demonstrates or proves your great Potential and enables you to be recognized and accepted by your Peers as a member of the Kingdom.

Don’t worry for a moment about Wealth or Abundance, they follow automatically in the Presence of the first and, particularly, the presence of Love, which knows only how to Give, and never how to take back. Look at the Sun, the Tree or Nature in general and be like them. Once again, never look for Wealth or Abundance in the first place, or they will be missed out and never will be found.

Remember King Salomon’s story in the Bible when asked by God to express his most important wish. Wisdom was Salomon’s number one and unique choice and God congratulated him about it. You know how the story went on next in terms of Abundance in King Salomon’s life. 

Also, don’t worry about weight. All these tones you take with you are kept in your Heart and, I can assure you, they are lighter there than a feather.

On your Path to the Kingdom, use the World all around you as the Barometer of your Evolution. For how you React to people, events and circumstances is an indicator of whether you Progress or not in the direction of your Home.

That is, until you no longer notice Sin, Culpability or Mistake in your Brother, until you no longer React negatively to what you think he has done wrong to you despite his Total Innocence as a Son of God, know that you are still far from the Kingdom.

Remember that there is no such thing as Out there and the world you perceive is merely a Reflection of your current State of Mind. Therefore, you know you are approaching your Final Destination when what you see in your Brother becomes only Light, or the Reflection of your own True Self.

So, every time you notice the Slightest Negativity in another person or in anything, know that it is Yours, but Projected outside in order to Blame someone else, who in fact does not exist. In this case, instead of Resistance, manifest your Gratitude to your Barometer. Because as a God given Tool,  this is a sign that it works perfectly well in a way that it makes you become Conscious of what is going on in you or that you are Off course, so that you may correct your trajectory accordingly.

By the way, did you know that when God looks at you, the only thing He Sees is His Own Image?

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Friday, December 14, 2012

The guide to the final destination of your life trip

Getting prepared for any Trip
Implies that you already know
What your final Destination is
Or you won't Recognize it
And Stop once you get there

Like in the long Trip of Life
You must firstly determine
What your final Destination is
Knowing that every single Day
You move step by step towards it

Once your Destination is determined
You must Carefully Chose and Take with you
Only whatever is necessary for your Travel
According to your Plans and Realities ahead
And that will not serve you are left behind

However during your life Trip
You can be confronted to all kind of Troubles
Whose purpose is to Distract and delay you
Then lead you to Despear and Confusion

It is exactly at this precise moment
That you must Remember your Purpose
In order to be able to Resume your journey
And keep moving to your final destination

But in order to do it more effectively
Also Remember that a Presence Is standing near you
Which has always been and will always be there
Ready to Help you arrive at Destination
If only you can completely have Faith and Trust

So that when Troubles come and they will
Just as they did with the Apostles in the boat with Jesus
Just as they do when you become like a Thirsty Fish in the water
Just as they do when you get Confused due to some loss
Or for not finding the Solution of a specific Problem
Just as they do when you feel Trapped like a Fly in the glue or the web

In this case one important thing to Remember
Is to never Deal with Problems which are but pure Distractions
By giving them your Attention and trying to Resolve them
Which anyway is giving them a Power that in fact they don't have
And invariably buying more of the same with your Attention
Which is a universal Currency capable of buying almost anything

Know that Stillness brings Peace and Clariry in Shady waters
And that Clarity in its turn provides the Vison you really Need
You don't know it yet but what you Really Seek
And you should Focus your Attention on exclusively
Is this Presence of God in you through the Holy Spirit
Your Guide and the Answer to any Problem you'll ever face
And without Whom access to the Kingdom is impossible

Thus you need Faith and Complete Trust in Him.
May this be your first Prayer!


"You of litthe Faith, why are you so afraid?" (Matthew 8 :23-27)
"If you had faith like a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain..." Luke 17:6
"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Patience is an attribut of eternity

If you recognize Eternity
As your inherent Nature
You would understand also
That Patience is its attribut
Without which this Nature
Remains Unknown to you

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Stop begging and start honoring your Father

Imagine someone Standing under a Fruit tree
With Hundreds of beautiful and delicious Fruits
Laying on the ground all around him
Just Waiting to be Collected and Savored

But he remains focused on One Single Fruit
Still attached to one of the branches
Without the slightest Interest any longer
For the fruits laying under his feet

This image is not a fiction one as you can imagine
It's every human being's Reality without exception
Regarding what is already Present  in their life
And what is not in their Possession yet

The fact is even when the last fruit is collected
Like magic it's immediately Replaced by another one
Which when also colleted is Replaced as well
Over and over and over again

The question to ask for yourself is this
Who really is Standing under the fruit tree
Permanently focused on one single fruit
Could it be that this Dissatisfied Beggar
Is the Son of God created in His Image

In case you can't answer this question
Know that this one is not you
But the opposite of who you really are

Quit then this position of Beggar
And start honoring your Father
Who created you Totally Satisfied
And Perfect just like Himself

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