The Kingdom is merely a State of Mind and not some place, some where. It is a state of Unconditional Love, Infinite Peace, Joy and Total Satisfaction. So the Trip of life is no more no less than a Journey in your own Consciousness towards a Higher Consciousness called the Kingdom of Heavens. This is your Final destination, your True Home, where your Real Self, the Higher Self or the Superconscious dwells forever, hidden like the invisible part of the iceberg, from your conscious mind.
Thus, consciousness Journey is just an awakening process. That is, you wake up from your deep Dream of Separation of your self with Your True Self which, however, is fully and eternally awake in God. It's as if a seed that before was a tree, is growing to be transformed again into the same tree, which later will produce fruits which in their turn, to loop the loop, will later give birth to other seeds. And the process goes on over and over again. That's what the Consciousness Journey looks like.
Now, when preparing yourself to Join the Kingdom and be Whole again, choose and take with you only what is Necessary, Permanent or Eternal like the Kingdom itself. For example, you can bring with you one Billion tones of Wisdom, one Billion tones of Love, one Billion tones of Peace, one Billion tones of Patience, one Billion tones of Joy, one Billion tones of Harmony, one Billion tones of Self gift, etc.
Doing so does not mean you will add anything to the Kingdom which is already sufficient in itself, but this demonstrates or proves your great Potential and enables you to be recognized and accepted by your Peers as a member of the Kingdom.
Don’t worry for a moment about Wealth or Abundance, they follow automatically in the Presence of the first and, particularly, the presence of Love, which knows only how to Give, and never how to take back. Look at the Sun, the Tree or Nature in general and be like them. Once again, never look for Wealth or Abundance in the first place, or they will be missed out and never will be found.
Remember King Salomon’s story in the Bible when asked by God to express his most important wish. Wisdom was Salomon’s number one and unique choice and God congratulated him about it. You know how the story went on next in terms of Abundance in King Salomon’s life.
Also, don’t worry about weight. All these tones you take with you are kept in your Heart and, I can assure you, they are lighter there than a feather.
On your Path to the Kingdom, use the World all around you as the Barometer of your Evolution. For how you React to people, events and circumstances is an indicator of whether you Progress or not in the direction of your Home.
That is, until you no longer notice Sin, Culpability or Mistake in your Brother, until you no longer React negatively to what you think he has done wrong to you despite his Total Innocence as a Son of God, know that you are still far from the Kingdom.
Remember that there is no such thing as Out there and the world you perceive is merely a Reflection of your current State of Mind. Therefore, you know you are approaching your Final Destination when what you see in your Brother becomes only Light, or the Reflection of your own True Self.
So, every time you notice the Slightest Negativity in another person or in anything, know that it is Yours, but Projected outside in order to Blame someone else, who in fact does not exist. In this case, instead of Resistance, manifest your Gratitude to your Barometer. Because as a God given Tool, this is a sign that it works perfectly well in a way that it makes you become Conscious of what is going on in you or that you are Off course, so that you may correct your trajectory accordingly.
By the way, did you know that when God looks at you, the only thing He Sees is His Own Image?
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