Who I Really Am






Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Problem of identification

One of the biggest challenges we encounter, as human beings, is to identify ourselves with who we really are. Most of the time, there is the ascendancy of the ego or the false self on  our mental attitude, then in reactions to life in general.

The ego uses our physical senses to let us perceive the world as it wishes, not as it is in reality. Reality is not of the domain of physical senses, just as your True Self is not. Your Real Self is of the domain of faith.

Human being is at the middle of two influences, the Holy Spirit and the ego. Your identification to one or another of these two influences has a significant impact on your mental attitude and on your life in general.

You must identify with Truth, your real self, your true nature, not with the ego, no matter what your physical senses suggest.

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Your identification with your mind is slavery

It is just because you believe you are what you are not that such a confusion prevails in your mind, through which thoughts come and go incessantly and moment to moment. But you, who are merely their channel of expression, have the tendancy to identify yourself with them.

This is so at the point that in the presence of worry or anxiety for exemple, no difference no longer exists between you and such feelings. That is, you become them and they become you, if you are not conscious enough to detach or separate yourself from what you are not.

Nkow that what you are is without attributes. It is neither good nor bad, but just is.  Identification begins when you start lebelling them as good and bad and doing so you judge; which is not role. Your role is to be a detached observer. And, as such, you let everything that crosses your mind come and go, without attachement  to any of them.

Do not let anything affect your mind and dictate you a particular behaviour inherent to them, unless it is of love. Because only love is your essence, your true nature and who you really are. And out of love anything else is dictatorship and is there for the only to put you into slavery.

Don't accept to be the slave of your own kingdom. You are the sovereign  authority of the kingdom called your mind, and not its puppet. So, refuse to become its slave by not being identified with all the thoughts, feelings and emotions that cross it through the day.

That is the cost of your total freedom and your way back to your oneneness with God if you dare to separate and detach yourself from your mind.

Think about it and...
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christ is the only bridge between God and you

Christ, in all of us, is our intercessor to the Father God. And, to illustrate it, Jesus declared, " no one comes to the Father except through me". Indeed, Christ or our Superconscious, is the only channel of communication between God and His sons; no other one exists.

The fact is, due to our many impurities, errors, and miscreations at the level of the mind, our voice becomes so altered and diluted that it can no longer easily reach directly the Father. This is because the gap between our level of vibration and God's is so huge that connection with Him has been lost, and communication between us has become almost impossible.

However, in His infinite and unconditional love, God planned to create a bridge between His beloved sons and Himself. This bridge is Christ consciousness, or the Holy Spirit, which is in all of us and whose task is to facililate communication with the Father.

The Holy Spirit has this particularity to be able to communicate both with God and the sons, for being at the same time One with the Father, and One with us, his brothers. He is in perfect harmony with the Father, just as he is very close to us. So, only his voice, then, can be clearly understood by God and, also through him, alone, can we be heared and healed.

Therefore, in your prayers, it is useless to attempt to reach God directly. You would not be heared easily, if not at all. Instead, give your prayer to Christ, or the Holy Spirit. Leave your request in his hands, He who is your brother and to whom you should speak confidently.

As your intercessor, whose voice is the only one recognized by the Father, Christ in turn will send your request to God. Once God hears the voice of Christ, His Holy and beloved Son, instantly He answers, and the request is fulfilled.

However, although no delay exists in God's answer to Christ, very often people may spend a lot of time waiting to experience it. This is mainly due to their lack of faith or belief in the relationship between Christ and his Father. But, when you understand it perfectly, you come to know that whatever belongs to God also belongs to the Son.

And, as you are part of the Sonship, or Christ, who is your elder brother, you come finally to understand that what belongs to him, is also yours.

Think about it and...
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Friday, January 6, 2012

Put aside whatever is not in alignment with your purpose

Life is a series of events, situations and circumstances you get through on a continual basis and that represent occasions or opportunities of choice; the choice to affirm your true identity despite the suggestions of your physical senses.

Whatever occurs in your existence that you consider as injustice, bitterness or wrong doing, never pay attention, complain or react negatively against it. Otherwise, you loose your energy and focus on what is essential.Take the seed for example; it has an important lesson to teach you in this regard.

The seed never loose focus and is never distracted from its main objective, which is to grow and become a beautiful plant or a big tree. No matter what happens in its environment, it keeps growing up. In fact, the seed needs only whatever is necessary for its expansion. That is, all the resources it uses are in perfect alignment with its ultimate goal.

You don't know it but, as human being, you are exactly like the seed, although you may think differently. You believe you have various types of needs and goals, while in fact there exists only one which is the same as for the seed. It is to grow, evolve,  and get back home, in the oneness of your creator.

Once you understand that your main purpose is to grow and become one again with God, anything that is not in alignment with your goal is put aside. Ask yourself over and over, "is what I am thinking or doing in alignment with what I really want or am?". If the answer is negative, give it up immediately and correct the course.

In effect, you cannot achieve your ultimate goal or whatever, unless you put aside and give up whatever you are doing that is not in alignment with it. You are so engaged in all kind of distractions that, without a serious revolution in yourself, oneness with your Father seems almost impossible.

However, the choice is yours. Make the inventory of your life. From the list, retain only the things that are in harmony or in alignment with your goal, which is your oneness with God. Then, discard anything else that distracts you and wastes your creative energy.

Think about it and...
... Stay synchronized...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

It takes only one step after another to arrive at destination

One step after another will take you to your final destination, no matter how far this could be. And, only a single movement is necessary, in one way or another, to put in motion the energy that is everything, including you. But, never allow yourself to remain stuck in the same position for a long time if you don't like it.

Some people suggest you take only inspired action. But, how will you know this is one? In my opinion, you will never know as long as you live 90% unconsciously, like almost every human being on this planet. However, there is one thing I believe for sure. It is that there is a way out, which requires to perform a necessary condition.

This condition is that you know first where you are going, or your final destination. In other words, you must know exactly what it is that you really want, no matter how big or ambitious it seems to be. One thing is to bear in mind. Everything is energy and this energy exists in abundance.

Once you've identified exactly what you want, there is another important step following. Among many others methods, some people suggest to focus  mainly on the end result, then the universe will take care of small details and, at the end, you will get what you want. Maybe this works for certain people, but doubts are that it works for everybody and all the time.

For me, there are practical steps to take into account to get what you want. Let's say you'd like to travel and visit a foreign contry. If you've got enough money for that, there is no problem. You just go straight to your travel agency to buy a ticket and make your reservation. Right?

But if, on the contrary, you don't have money, there is surely a different step to perform. This consists in initiating some action, whatever it is, in the direction of your goal. This helps to put energy in motion. For example, you could be saving money constantly and consistently with an intention. Doing it will move your stock energy in the direction of the country you have in view.

The amount of money you are saving does not matter. What really matters is the action  you undertake everyday in the direction of your goal. In time, this energy, conveyed by your intention through your saving action, will get bigger and stronger, until it takes shape, so to speak, and be transformed into the experience you'd like to live.

As an old saying goes, "drop by drop water destroys the stone. But a big bucket of water thrown from time to time over the stone does not have the same effect". Another similar saying goes like this, "little by little, the bird builds its nest". What does that mean? Simply that constancy and consistency are the key in the process of achieving any result.

Keep going forward one small step after another, regularly, and you will reach your final destination. Keep saving, even one dollar everyday or every week, and one day or another, you will buy the ticket for your choosen destination. On the physical plan, physical actions are necessary to bring physical experiences.

Don't worry about time or about how long it will take. It is not your business. When time comes, the universe will take care of all details. And, while saving, chances are that, with the law of attraction, you are suddenly given a huge amount of money or an opportunity that would enable you to achieve your goal pretty fast.

For more complex achievements, another method is to divide the goal into many small pieces and apply what have learned above to each one, gradualy. For example, let's say you'd like to build your home. Instead of  focusing on the full project, devide it into 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 small projects or even more. Then, work on them one after another or simultaneously, using the method described above, until you achieve the final outcome.

That way, you no longer look at your goal as a big montain in front of you, or an impossible task to perform. Now, you start seeing it merely as many little tasks to execute confidently to the end result, without any form of doubt, stress, or resistance.

Remember, money is not what matters the most, in order to achieve your goal. What really matters, is taking action with intention, to put energy in motion. This action, however, must be taken on a daily basis, constantly, consistently and bit by bit, in the direction of your goal.

Think about it and...
...Stay synchronized...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Your self realization in 2012

The purpose of the seed is to grow in order to become a plant. The plant, later, will give birth to beautiful flowers that, in turn, will  bring joy to men and women who appreciate them so much. That is perceived as a service to the world. Another seed of a different species will grow into a big tree which later will nourrish people with its delicious fruits or provide shelter to birds and wood to people.

As human being, you  have also a purpose here on this planet. It is to awaken from the dream you call life and and get back Home, in the fullness of who you really are through. This is done through the realization that, in fact, you are already at Home  in  God; not sometime in the future, but now,  in this very moment.

This realization is possible only through forgiveness and love of whatever occurs in your life, in the form of people, events or circumstances.These are blessings for you, as they let you know what is going on in you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to know it and forgive the world as well as yourself.

Instead of resisting what you perceive and judge as bad, welcome it and be grateful . Now, you can use it as a means to find your way back home through forgiveness and love. God loves you and give you another chance and opportunity to save yourself and the world, with the help of the holy spirit.

My wish for you this new year is that forgiveness and love become for you like second nature, so that you finally realize that you are already free, perfect, whole, loved, and at home with the Father Who Is forever with you.

Think about it and...
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