In these two attitudes, no doubt that the first one, if practiced regularly, will bring you joy and happiness for anything in your life; while the second will make you feel not enough, empty, poor and miserable all the time. However, the choice is yours, although not often easy. But, it is worth making, if peace of mind is important to you. As an old proverb goes: "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". Think about it!
You are never sure whether what you are craving for, will be yours or not. Or, if it will be good for you when you get it. In fact, there is no proof nor any guaranty whatsoever, that one day, the thing you want will come into your life and bring you the joy or satisfaction you seek. In addition, Considering that nothing and no stuff will give you everlasting happiness on this heart, why then wasting the few and precious moments you have in this lifetime for the unknown?
Do you want to be happy? Change your mind about life and go with the flow. That is, stop looking at the sky, waiting for a particuliar event to come, in order to appreciate your life and enjoy it. Know that every single thing that you have ever gone through, has contributed to the kind of person you have now become, and to the level of achievement which is yours currently . Therefore, appreciate and be grateful for all thing, even the slightest.
Your life, is like a half- glass of water. The way you see it, is what determines your level of joy or of unhappiness. You are your own judge. Judge your life as half- empty, you will be miserable. See it as half- full, you will feel good and your happiness is assured. What do you prefer, joy or unhappiness?

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