Who I Really Am






Friday, September 5, 2008

Believe that "YOU" have received...(II)

The last time we talked about the above subject, I promissed to give an overview on other aspects of this issue.

Considering that God is omnipresent, what are the implications of this ? Simply that God is everywhere and in everything in the universe. As a matter of fact, there is no doubt, whatsoever, that God is also in our spirit, mind, body, brain, thoughts, feelings, actions, events, circumstances, etc.

God, being in everything in existence, is consequently in our desires also. The question is, when it is said, "when you ask, believe that you have already received, and you will receive", who asks, what is asked, and to whom ? To this, there is only one answer : God !

Because being omnipresent, God, in the form of human being, is the one who asks. What does he ask for ? Whatever form it may take, being everything, God asks Himself. To whom ? To Himself, also. That means, God is the requester, the thing requested, the giver and the receiver at the same time.

What we see here is that God transforms Himself from one form into another. From human being, into a desire, from a desire into a manifestation of whatever it may be, before transforming Himself into the feeling of joy or appreciation experienced by Himself again in the form of human being.

In this context, God can be compared to water, that is transformed into ice, then into vapour, and into water again.

Now, when you are asked to believe that YOU have received, it is just a matter of realizing this premanent and everlasting presence of God in your life and in everything. When you come to the realization that God is really All That Is, it becomes evident to you that God, is already what He desires trough you.

In fact, the point is that once you've come to the understanding of the onenesse and omnipresence of All That Is, you know, without any doubt, that you've already received everything; and simply put, that GOD "Is".

Stay synchronized...

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